

FluxFM is one of the popular radio stations in Germany. Let’s discover it’s history & information. And as well as if FluxFM permit us to play their radio station, we will listen in our site. RadiosTalk is the free directory of online radio stations. We listed FluxFM in our directory. In Germany there are lots of fm radio and online radio. This is one of the best online radio station in Germany

Every second new music is created everywhere around the world and, thanks to modern technology, finds its way quickly around the globe. Berlin is the up-and-coming hotspot of the global music scene and FluxFM is situated in its epicentre, focused on discovering and showcasing new music. You hear new artists first on FluxFM.

More Aboutdd FluxFM

FluxFM is the voice of Generation Flux – all those who are open and curious, who live change and help shape it: Creative people, makers, entrepreneurs, opinion leaders and multipliers, united by their love of music. Every day we select the best out of a giant pool of new music and play the songs that strike a chord with the people who thrive on music. We inspire and connect, because we like to be connected and inspired.

Short Information of FluxFM :

Name Description
Radio Name FluxFM
Country Germany
Genres (Type of radio) rock, talk and alternative
Website & Contact Info https://www.facebook.com/fluxfm, https://twitter.com/fluxfm and https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flux_FM
Owner Pfuelstraße 5 Aufgang V, 5. OG 10997 Berlin,Germany
Owner +49-30-6959909-0
Owner kontakt@fluxfm.de


From where FluxFM broadcast?

Answer: Germany.

What is the frequency of FluxFM ?

Answer: 100.6.

Why I can’t hear this radio station?

Answer: May be streaming link was dead or In your visiting time, FluxFM station’s broadcasting was off.

How many daily listeners they have?

Answer: approx – 5 per hour.

Now Let’s play and enjoy FluxFM .
