
R.SH is one of the popular radio stations in Germany. Let’s discover it’s history & information. And as well as if R.SH permit us to play their radio station, we will listen in our site. RadiosTalk is the free directory of online radio stations. We listed R.SH in our directory. In Germany there are lots of fm radio and online radio. This is one of the best online radio station in Germany

R.SH livestream – Here you can find current hits and your favorite songs from the 80s and 90s in the best mix for Schleswig-Holstein. R.SH – Together we are Schleswig-Holstein.

More Aboutdd R.SH

Radio Schleswig-Holstein began it is program on July 1, 1986, making it the first nationwide private radio station to offer a full 24-hour program. RPR1 had already started operation on April 30, 1986, however shared it is frequency with three other programs (LR Linksrheinischer Rundfunk, PRO Radio 4 and Radio 85). R.SH quickly became a pure AC format radio with many typical features of this format.

Short Information of R.SH:

Name Description
Radio Name R.SH
Country Germany
Genres (Type of radio) dance, r’n’b, pop, pop-rock, talk, classic, 90s, 80s and adult contemporary
Website & Contact Info https://www.facebook.com/rshradio/, https://twitter.com/rshradio and https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_Schleswig-Holstein
Owner Wittland 3, 24109 Kiel, Deutschland
Owner 0431 – 98 6 98 000
Owner redaktion@rsh.de


From where R.SH broadcast?

Answer: Germany.

What is the frequency of R.SH?

Answer: Sorry, We did not find frequency information..

Why I can’t hear this radio station?

Answer: May be streaming link was dead or In your visiting time, R.SH station’s broadcasting was off.

How many daily listeners they have?

Answer: approx – 3 per hour.

Now Let’s play and enjoy R.SH.
