Zona Urbana is a radio station which broadcasting from Mexico. Lets discover it’s history & information as well as if Zona Urbana permit us to play their digital audio content, we will listen here. RadiosTalk is the free directory of online radio stations and listed Zona Urbana as best internet radio broadcast station in Mexico.
Zona Urbana es una emisora ubicada en Nuevo Le?n, M?xico, desde donde transmite las 24 horas del d?a sin interrupciones. Esta estaci?n se caracteriza por emitir principalmente una programaci?n destinada a un p?blico juvenil. Su programaci?n est? contenida de m?sica grupera, rock, hip-hop-, pop, dance, dj ,electronoca ,vallenata, adem?s de una variedad de programas con informaciones nacionales e internacionales, de entretenimiento.Contact DetailsWebsite: www.radioking.com/digital-fm-1
Zona Urbana
According to WikiPedia and from their website This is simply a list of lowest-income places in the United States. According to the United States Census Bureau, the following are the places in the United States with the lowest median household income. Locations with populations from the 2013–2017 American Community Survey are ranked by median household income — the median household income figures are another from the 2013–2017 American Community Survey.. The “places” used in this article are what the U.S. Census Bureau defines as “places” (such as Census-Designated Places, or CDPs). In the United States (in 2017), the place with the lowest median household income was Little River, California (population 117), while the place with the lowest median household income with a population of more than 1,000 was Comer?o Zona Urbana in Comer?o, Puerto Rico (population 4,312).[note 2]
Short Information of Zona Urbana:
Name | Description |
Radio Name | Zona Urbana |
Country | Mexico |
Genres (Type of radio) | Hip Hop, Pop and Rock |
Contact Address | https://www.radioking.com/radio/digital-fm-1 |
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