Student FM is a radio station which broadcasting from Romania. Let’s discover it’s history & information as well as if Student FM permit us to play their digital audio content, we will listen here. RadiosTalk is the free directory of online radio stations and listed Student FM as best internet radio broadcast station in Romania.
10 years after the success with the song “Better Of Alone” under the pseudonym Alice Deejay, DJ Jurgen Netherlands is on track to record a new European success with the song “Higher Love”. After 23 years of experience in house music, DJ Jurgen veterans are among the clubs in The Hague and is also the one of the most respected and radio entertainers in the Netherlands.
Student FM website address is www.studentfm.ro
Short Information of Student FM:
Name | Description |
Radio Name | Student FM |
Country | Romania |
Genres (Type of radio) | DJ |
Website & Contact Info | http://www.studentfm.ro |
Now Let’s enjoy & listen Best Internet radio of Student FM.