RTS Couleur 3


RTS Couleur 3 is one of the popular radio stations in Switzerland. Let’s discover it’s history & information. And as well as if RTS Couleur 3 permit us to play their radio station, we will listen in our site. RadiosTalk is the free directory of online radio stations. We listed RTS Couleur 3 in our directory. In Switzerland there are lots of fm radio and online radio. This is one of the best online radio station in Switzerland

MUSIC – HUMOR – OFFSET. Now in its thirties, Couleur 3 has become a benchmark in the Swiss and French-speaking audiovisual landscape. She chooses an accessible but nonetheless cutting-edge musical program and spoken content that cultivates humor, while remaining focused on the challenges of today’s society.

More Aboutdd RTS Couleur 3

Couleur 3 aims to be the channel that precedes the trends. Its leaders favor a free and offbeat tone, sometimes irreverent towards institutions and the status quo. Color 3 is also about cinema, digital culture, video games, books, ecology, and everything you have no idea …

Short Information of RTS Couleur 3:

Name Description
Radio Name RTS Couleur 3
Country Switzerland
Genres (Type of radio) rock, pop, hip-hop and reggae
Website & Contact Info https://www.facebook.com/couleur3/, https://twitter.com/Couleur3 and https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Couleur_3
Owner Quai Ernest-Ansermet 20, Case postale 234, CH-1211 Genève
Owner +41 58 236 36 36
Owner reseausauce@couleur3.ch


From where RTS Couleur 3 broadcast?

Answer: Switzerland.

What is the frequency of RTS Couleur 3?

Answer: Sorry, We did not find frequency information..

Why I can’t hear this radio station?

Answer: May be streaming link was dead or In your visiting time, RTS Couleur 3 station’s broadcasting was off.

How many daily listeners they have?

Answer: approx – 2 per hour.

Now Let’s play and enjoy RTS Couleur 3.
